To Hope or Not to Hope/My Soliloquy

The poem below was inspired by the words of one of the greatest poets of all time.


To hope or not to hope, that is my question.

Whether it is worthy to bear every blow with stoic resilience

Or to foresee the stubbornness of fate

And by protesting, reach peace. Peace,

The senseless darkness, shielding us from the assaults of pain

That we, the unlucky must endure. That’s the ultimate shelter

When all hope has deserted.

Peace, perhaps in heaven

But would heaven be the destination,

Or is what awaits a million times worse

Than our brief earthly stay?

This choking fear halts us

Before we parachute down the abyss,

And willingly submit ourselves to

The ghost of chances past, the cloud of lovers gone,

The moodiness of time, the injustice of wealth

The sword above our head, the weary weight of life

That’s mere honey seasoned by vinegar

While we could give up and resign with ease?

Why would we face the avalanche of despair

That overwhelms our present days?

‘Tis because the future is an unread book

And whether Fortune will be benevolent

Or an adversary, can’t be known.

So in or souls still lies the seed of hope

That our dreams are more than dust

And thus our natural urge to revolt

Is repressed by the force of hope

While we wait for the great moment of joy

That deceives with promises, and then fails to come.

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